• human standing beside crucifix statue on mountain

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For Worship

Join us, in-person, at 10:30am every Sunday morning.


If you are unable to join us in-person, please consider joining our live stream.

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Join one of our small groups. There is a group for everyone.

  • Current Sermon Series

    A Summer’s Journey

    We are all on a journey both in life and in faith. This journey has its ups and downs, twists and turns, stops and starts. Our Summer’s journey series will look for clues in the apostle Paul’s missionary trips to help, guide, and encourage us in our journeys.

    Go to Series…

Our Core Values

  • To be a safe welcoming community for all to belong.
  • Promote, model, and provide opportunities for authentic relationships.
  • Inspire, invite, and challenge the development of faith and closer relationships with Christ.
  • Invest in and value servant leadership and leadership development.